報名規例 Registration Regulations
Candidate's Information 考生信息
Exam Session 考試場次
Special Arrangements 特別安排
Exam Preparation 考試準備
Cambridge English Placement Test 劍橋英語水平測試
Declaration 聲明
1. 所有的考試費用必須於考試報名截止日期之前全額支付。
2. 報名及支付考試費用後,考試費用在任何情況下均不會被退還。如考生未能出席考試,只能在有醫生證明或因親人去世,才能更改考試日期,並需繳付已付考試費用的25%改期費。其他原因將不被接受,你需要報名並再次付款。
3. 如在惡劣天氣的情況下(香港天文台發出黑色暴雨警告信號或八號或以上颱風信號) ,GPEX Hong Kong需要取消相關的考試,考試會於稍後的時間安排補考,但不設撤銷考試安排。考生需自己安排行程出席考試。只能在有醫生證明或因親人去世未能出席補考,才能更改考試日期,並需繳付已付考試費用的25%改期費。其他原因將不被接受,你需要報名並再次付款。
4. 如面對一些GPEX Hong Kong無法控制的情況下(自然災害,傳染病,或類似的情況),以致我們無法繼續程序, GPEX需要取消相關的考試,考試會於稍後的時間安排補考,但不設撤銷考試安排。考生需自己安排行程出席考試。只能在有醫生證明或因親人去世未能出席補考,才能更改考試日期,並需繳付已付考試費用的25%改期費。其他原因將不被接受,你需要報名並再次付款。
5. 如在惡劣天氣的情況下或無法控制的情況下,考生需假設考試會繼續進行,直至收到GPEX Hong Kong的取消考試通知。
6. 考試時間表內所列出的日期、時間和場地或會有所改動。考評局將盡可能按照該考試時間表內之所列出的日期、時間和場地舉辦有關考試,惟並不保證全部考試均能如期舉行。對於因大範圍傳染病或疫情;恐怖襲擊、示威或暴動、社會動亂或公眾騷亂;爆炸、火災、自然災害或惡劣天氣;運輸、電訊、電力或其他公用事業的破壞、延誤、暫停或故障;勞資糾紛,包括但不限於抵制和罷工;檢疫措施或規限;海關或邊境管制;遵守任何法律或政府命令、規定、規則或指示等情況或原因引起的任何延誤、不履約、索賠、投訴或爭議,GPEX Hong Kong將不會承擔任何責任。考生或家長應自行負責取得有效並能涵蓋整考試個期間的所須簽證、入境許可證等。於香港出現大範圍傳染病或疫情期間,考生須符合所有香港法例下的入境檢疫及隔離要求以參加考試。考生亦應自行負責遵守任何適用的簽證或居留條件和檢疫要求等,如考生未能或難以履行或達至上述要求,GPEX Hong Kong將不承擔任何責任。
7. GPEX Hong Kong可酌情決定以其認為有需要或有利而適當的方式舉行考試,包括安排全體或個別考生考試改期、取消或改變整個或任何部分考試模式,或拒絕或限制某部分考生參與考試,或撤回他們的考試申請(例如:由於公共健康理由)。在上述任何情況下,GPEX Hong Kong不會承擔任何費用支出、退款或其他損失的責任。
8. 報名後,您可以取消考試,但在任何情況下不得退回考試費。請注意,如果您支付的金額多於考試費金額的話,我們只會退相等於該金額的考試券,恕不能以任何方式退回現金。
9. 成功報名後,您會收到確認報名申請的電郵。如果您沒有收到確認電郵,請立即發送電郵至 infohk@gpexcentral.org 或 WhatsApp 5281 2392 以獲取進一步協助。 GPEX Hong Kong概不負責考生未能提交考試報名而導致的任何損失。
(Last updated on 11/5/2023) --- Exam Registration Regulations
Before registering for any exams, read the following regulations carefully and click the acceptance button at the end of the page.
1. All test fees must be paid in full before the registration deadline of the exam session.
2.Once registration is complete and exam fees are paid, the paid exam fees will not be refunded under any circumstances. Rescheduling is only acceptable with a fee of 25% of the paid exam fee when a doctor’s certificate is presented. Other reasons for rescheduling will not be accepted and you will need to register and pay again.
3. In cases of severe weather conditions (Black rainstorm warning signal or Number 8 or above typhoon signal issued by the Hong Kong Observatory), and GPEX Hong Kong has to cancel the exams, GPEX Hong Kong will arrange make-up exams. Test cancellation will not be arranged, and candidates should make arrangements so that they can attend the make-up exams. Rescheduling of the make-up exams is only acceptable with a fee of 25% of the paid exam fee when a doctor’s certificate is presented. Other reasons for rescheduling will not be accepted and you will need to register and pay again.
4. In circumstances that cannot be controlled by GPEX Hong Kong (such as instances of natural disasters, epidemics, or similar situations), and GPEX Hong Kong has to cancel the exams, GPEX Hong Kong will arrange make-up exams. Test cancellation will not be arranged, and candidates should make arrangements so that they can attend the make-up exams. Rescheduling of the make-up exams is only acceptable with a fee of 25% of the paid exam fee when a doctor’s certificate is presented. Other reasons for rescheduling will not be accepted and you will need to register and pay again.
5. In cases of severe weather conditions and uncontrollable circumstances, candidates should assume that exams will still be conducted until receiving the cancellation notice from GPEX Hong Kong.
6. All the dates, times and venues stated in the exam timetable are subject to change. Although GPEX Hong Kong will endeavour to ensure that all the exams will be conducted on the dates, at the times and at the venues as specified in the relevant exam timetable, it cannot guarantee that this will be so. GPEX Hong Kong will also not be liable for any delay, non-performance, claim, complaint or dispute arising from circumstances or causes such as epidemic or pandemic, terrorist attack, demonstrations or riots, social unrest or public disorder; explosion, fire, natural disasters or inclement weather conditions; destruction, suspension, temporary unavailability or break-down of transport, telecommunication, electricity or other public utility; labour disturbance including but without limitation to boycott and strike; quarantine measures or restrictions; immigration or border controls; compliance with any law or governmental order, rule, regulation or direction, etc. Candidates themselves shall be solely responsible for obtaining all necessary visa, entry permit, etc. to cover the exam period and, in the event of any epidemic or pandemic situations in Hong Kong, for fulfilling all the prevailing entry and quarantine requirements in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong in order to take part in the exams. Candidates themselves shall also be solely responsible for full compliance with any applicable visa or stay conditions and quarantine requirements, etc., and GPEX Hong Kong shall have no responsibility for any consequences if they fail to comply or have any difficulty in doing so.
7. GPEX Hong Kong may at its discretion determine how to conduct and deal with the exams as it considers necessary or advantageous and proper, and this includes rescheduling, cancelling or changing the mode of assessment for the whole exam or any part thereof for all candidates or individual candidates, or refusing, restricting or withdrawing participation in the exams by certain candidates (e.g. due to public health reasons). In any of the above events, GPEX Hong Kong will not accept any liability in respect of claims for expenses, refunds or other damages.
8. You may cancel the registration but the exam fee is not refundable under any circumstances. Please note that cash refund is not applicable if you pay more than the net amount of the exam fee. Only cash voucher which equals the excessive amount you paid will be refunded to you.
9. A confirmation email will be sent to you after successful registration. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please email us at infohk@gpexcentral.org or WhatsApp 5281 2392 for further assistance immediately. GPEX Hong Kong shall have no responsibility for any consequences if candidates fail to submit the exam registration.
(Last updated on 11/5/2023)
我已閱讀、理解並接受上述規定。 I have read, understood and accepted the regulations above.
The personal data provided in this form will be used for examination and other related purposes by GPEX Central HK Limited (GPEX). It may be provided to other authorized organizations to process the information for the purpose of exam administration. Information on candidates will be destroyed after selection and definitely within 6 months after the examination cycle.
I have read and understood the above policy. 我已閱讀並理解上述政策。
How did you know us? 你如何認識我們? Google / Yahoo 谷歌/雅虎Facebook / Instagram 社交媒體Recommendation by friends/family 朋友/家人推薦Our website 我們的網站Other 其他
Candidate's English Full Name as on HKID/Passport (in CAPTIAL letters) 香港身份證/護照上的考生英文全名(以大寫字母填寫)
Candidate's HKID/Passport Number (You must present this ID on the exam day) 考生的香港身份證/護照編號 (考試當日需攜帶此身份證明)
Candidate's Date of Birth 考生的出生日期 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Candidate's Gender 考生的性別 MaleFemale
Contact Email (The Confirmation of Entry will be sent to this email). [Due to a technical issue, please use a non-gmail account to avoid not receiving a copy of this form] 聯繫電郵 (准考證將發送到此電子郵件)[由於技術故障,請暫時不要使用gmail電郵,以免收不到報名確認。]
Confirm Your Email 確認您的電郵
Mobile Number 手機號碼
Address (The certificate will be sent to this address by SF Express (paid by consignee) 6-12 weeks after the exam. You will receive an email when the certificate arrives.) 地址(證書將在考試後6-12週透過順豐到付發送到該地址, 證書到達時,您將收到一封電郵。)
Which exam do you want to register for? 您想報名參加哪個考試? Pre A1 StartersPre A1 Starters考試 + 考前影片精華班組合A1 MoversA2 FlyersA2 Key (for Schools)B1 Preliminary (for Schools)B2 First (for Schools)C1 AdvancedC2 ProficiencyTKT Module 1TKT Module 2TKT Module 3TKT: Young Learners (YL)TKT: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
點擊這裡了解更多有關Pre A1 Starters考試 + 考前影片精華班組合的資料。
Exam Session 考試場次選擇 You cannot take an exam of the same level within 28 days. 你不能在28天內報考同一級別之考試
Exam Date 考試日期 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Exam Venue - Please type the venue code, e.g. BEA 考試場地-請輸入場地代碼,例如BEA
Please upload your payment proof with the date and time of transaction (screenshot/photo of the transaction or bank-in slip) (file size limit: 8 mb). 請上傳您包含交易日期及時間的付款證明(交易的屏幕截圖或銀行存款單的副本) (檔案大小上限:8mb)。
You must write the Candidate’s English Full Name and the Exam Date in the field “Message to Beneficiary” when making the payment, or we may not be able to track your payment and can’t release the Confirmation of Entry. For example, CHAN TAI MAN 16072024 (ddmmyyyy). 付款時, 您必須在”給收款人信息”內填上考生英文全名及考試日期,否則我們可能無法追踪您的付款以及無法發送准考證。 例如,CHAN TAI MAN 16072024 (16072024是考試日期,格式是ddmmyyyy)。
Promotion Code 優惠碼
Payment Method 付款方式 Bank-in 銀行轉帳FPS 轉數快Cash Voucher 現金券
Payment Date 付款日期
If bank-in 如銀行轉帳: Account Holder's Last Name 銀行賬戶持有人姓氏
Account Holder's First Name 銀行賬戶持有人名字
For payment methods, please visit this webpage 有關付款方式,請轉到這個網頁。
Does the candidate have any special needs due health conditions? 考生是否有由於健康狀況的特殊需要? Yes 有No 沒有
If yes, please specify your requirements. You also need to send us the relevant documentation by email. 如果有,請指定您的要求。您還需要通過電子郵件將相關證明發送給我們。
Would you like to take a preparation course with us? If yes, our staff will contact you soon. 你有興趣參加備試課程嗎 ?如有,我們的職員會盡快聯絡你。 Yes 有興趣No. 沒有
Would you like to purchase Cambridge official practice papers (with answers)? 你有興趣購買劍橋出版模擬試卷作備試用嗎 (含答案)? ---Pre A1 Starters 4: $217A1 Movers 4: $217A2 Flyers 4: $217A2 Key (for Schools): $324B1 Preliminary: $424B2 First (for Schools): $451C1 Advanced: $471TKT Modules 1-3: $275TKT: CLIL: $180No 沒有
We will deliver the book to you via SF Express (pay upon arrival). 我們將通過順豐速運向您發送(到付)。
Please choose your pick-up point HERE 請在此選擇您的取貨點 。
If bank-in 如銀行轉帳: Account Holder's Last Name銀行賬戶持有人姓氏
We provide Cambridge English Placement Test. It is developed by Cambridge Assessment English and you will get a report about whether the candidate is prepared for the exam. 我們提供劍橋英語水平測試。測試由劍橋大學英語考評部提供,你會得到一份報告說明考生是否準備好考試。
Are you interested in taking the placement test (Reading and Writing, Listening)(HK$150)? 你有興趣參加水平測試嗎 (讀寫,聆聽)(HK$150)?
Yes (at home version; no speaking) 有(在家版;不含說話部分)No (沒有)
*To be declared by parent/guardian if the candidate is under 18 years of age. 若考生為18歲以下,由家長或監護人聲明。*
By click the 'Submit' button, I declare that all information given in this registration form and the attached documents are, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and complete.I understand that all individuals who want to take Cambridge English exams are required to agree to all the terms and conditions set by Cambridge English and the exam centre.
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