Cambridge English Writing Competition 劍橋英語寫作比賽

Cambridge English Writing Competition 劍橋英語寫作比賽2023-04-12T05:04:17+00:00

GPEX Hong Kong

Cambridge English Writing Competition 劍橋英語寫作比賽

Result Announcement 得獎結果 



The contest format is propositional writing, and participants must write an essay according to the topic of the group.


  • 本比賽供所有本地的中小學和學習中心參加,報名費用全免。
  • 凡現就讀小學一年級至中學三年級的學生,均可參加比賽。
  • 有意參加的學生須透過學校或學習中心報名,本比賽只接受團體提交的報名名單。


  • The contest is open to all local Primary school, Secondary school and learning centre.
  • Primary 1 to Secondary 3 students are welcome to join.
  • Enrolment must be submitted in group as school or learning centre.


  • 初小組別(供小學一年級至小學三年級參加)
  • 高小組別(供小學四年級至小學六年級參加)
  • 初中組別(供中學一年級至中學三年級參加)


  • Lower Primary Group (P.1 – P.3)
  • Upper Primary Group (P.4 – P.6)
  • Lower Secondary Group (F.1 – F.3)

各組別比賽題目 Topics

初小組別 Lower Primary Group

Topic min

Draw an ending for the story and write 50-80 words.

高小組別 Upper Primary Group

Your English teacher has asked you to write a story. Your story must begin with this sentence, “Everybody clapped when I walked onto the stage.

初中組別 Lower Secondary Group

You see this notice in an English language magazine:


Some people love changes, others dislike them. What about you?

Which changes in your life have had a big effect on you?

The best article will be printed next month.

提交作品須知 Entries Submission (For Schools and Learning centres):   

  • 參賽報名表格(Excel格式)必須以電郵形式發送。每間學校或學習中心只可以發送一封參賽電郵,恕不接受重複提交的電郵申請。


  • 參賽者可以郵寄參賽作品(A4紙)到本公司或把作品的PDF檔發送到指定電郵,恕不接受任何沒有附件的參賽電郵或補交作品。
郵寄地址:九龍長沙灣青山道538號半島大廈1313室 (GPEX – 劍橋英語寫作比賽 收)



  • 每位參賽者只可以提交一份參賽作品。
  • 參賽者必須在作品最後標示作品字數。
  • 初小組別及高小組別可選擇以手寫形式提交參賽作品(請勿使用潦草),而初中組別則只接受以PDF檔提交參賽作品。
  • 作品頂部請按照以下格式標示:參賽者英文姓名+級別+學校或學習中心的英文名稱

Entries Submission (For Schools and Learning centres)

  • The contest format is propositional writing, and participants must write an essay according to the topic of the group.
  • Submission form (in Excel format) must be sent by email. Only one submission email will be accepted from each participating unit. Repeated applications are not accepted.

Registration form:

  • Participating unit can either send the entries by post, or by email. All submitted entries should be written or typed on an A4 size paper. Email without attachment, or late submission, will not be accepted.
Address: Unit 1313, Peninsula Tower, 538 Castle Peak Road, Cheung Sha Wan, KLN. (Attn.: GPEX – Cambridge English Writing Competition)

Entry Template (Lower Primary Group):

(Upper Primary Group):

  • Each contestant can submit 1 entry ONLY.
  • Word count should be stated at the end of the entry.
  • Contestants in both lower and upper primary groups can submit the entries either in hand-written or typed format (Please do not use cursive writing). Lower Secondary Group can only submit the entries in typed format.
  • Entries must be named at the first line in the following format: Contestant English full name + Level + School name in English.


  • 字數限制(超過指定字數將不予評閱):
  • 初小組別:50-80字
  • 高小組別:120-150字
  • 初中組別:200-230字
  • 參賽格式: 初小組別為圖畫加文字形式,高小及初中組別為純文字形式
  • 初小組別及高小組別可選擇以手寫形式提交參賽作品(請勿使用潦草),而初中組別則只接受以PDF檔提交參賽作品。
  • 字體大小:12pt
  • 字體:Times New Roman
  • 行距:單行間距

Entries Requirements

  • Entries must meet the following requirements:
  • Word limit (Entries exceeded the word limit will not be considered):
  • Lower Primary Group: 50-80 words
  • Upper Primary Group: 120-150 words
  • Lower Secondary Group: 200-230 words
  • Entries format:
  • Lower Primary Group: Picture plus text form; Upper Primary and Lower Secondary Group: plain text
  • Contestants in both lower and upper primary groups can submit the entries either in hand-written or typed format (Please do not use cursive writing). Lower Secondary Group can only submit the entries in typed format.
  • Font size: 12pt
  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Line spacing: Single line spacing


  • 冠軍:獎盃、證書及香港迪士尼樂園1日門票兩張
  • 亞軍:獎盃、證書及GPEX 香港現金券$300
  • 季軍:獎盃、證書及GPEX 香港現金券$200
  • 最具創意獎:證書及GPEX 香港現金券$100
  • (最具創意獎頒予每個組別中在”創新性”這一部分獲得最高分的參賽者)
  • 優秀獎:證書(參賽者獲得75% 或以上分數)
  • 良好獎:電子證書(參賽者獲得60% 或以上分數)
  • 最積極參與學校獎:獎盃及證書

Awards and Prizes

  • Champion: A trophy, certificate, and Hong Kong Disneyland 1-Day Ticket (2pcs)
  • 1st Runner-up: A trophy, certificate, and GPEX Hong Kong $300 Cash voucher
  • 2nd Runner-up: A trophy, certificate & GPEX Hong Kong $200 Cash voucher
  • Most Creative Award: A certificate and GPEX Hong Kong $100 Cash voucher
  • (For contestants who get the highest marks in the “Creativity”)
  • Merits: A certificate (Participants who received 75% or more marks)
  • Proficiency: An E-certificate (Participants who received 60% or more marks.)
  • Best Participation Award for School: A trophy and a certificate



  • 內容 (20%)
  • 表達能力 (20%)
  • 組織能力 (20%)
  • 語文語法 (20%)
  • 創新性 (20%)

Judging Criteria

Entries will be assessed based on the Cambridge English Exam assessment scale, including:

  • Content (20%)
  • Communicative Achievement (20%)
  • Organization (20%)
  • Language (20%)
  • Creativity (20%)


  • 各組別評審將由劍橋英語考試中心代表擔任。


  • The representative of GPEX Hong Kong Exam Centre will be the judge of each group.




Competition schedule

Submission period: Now – 31 January 2023

Result announcement: 31 March 2023 (Tentative)

Terms and Conditions

  • No late submissions will be accepted under any circumstances.
  • Contestants have the responsibilities to ensure that the file submitted is valid and the file can be accessed by members of GPEX Hong Kong Central Limited. We will not contact any contestants individually if the file fails.
  • Entries must be the contestant’s original work.
  • Contestants retain copyright of their submitted entries. However, by entering this competition, contestants grant GPEX Central Hong Kong Limited the rights to edit, publish and use each entry in any media platforms, including in print and online.
  • The judges’ decision is final.
  • GPEX Hong Kong cash voucher can only be applied to specified Cambridge English exams and courses

In case of disputes, GPEX Hong Kong reserves the rights of final decision. For any discrepancies between the English and Chinese version of the website, the English version is final.


  • 任何情況下均不接受逾期提交的作品。
  • 參賽者有責任確保所提交的檔案有效,如GPEX Central Hong Kong Limited的職員無法開啟該檔案,即在檔案失效的情況下,本公司將不會聯絡參賽者跟進。
  • 參賽文章必須是參賽者的原創作品。
  • 參賽者保留其提交的文章的版權。但是,通過參加此比賽,參賽者將授予GPEX Central Hong Kong Limited在任何媒體平台上(包括印刷和在線)編輯、發布和使用文章的權利。
  • 評委的決定是最終決定。
  • GPEX 香港現金券只適用於報劍橋考試和指定課程。


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