Cambridge English Exams


Cambridge English Exams2021-09-20T13:50:20+00:00

Cambridge English exams are known and recognised by schools, universities, private and public sector employers all over the English-speaking world. Cambridge English exams are aligned to the principles and approach of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Success in a Cambridge English exam provides you with an internationally recognised certificate showing the level you have attained in English. At the moment, Cambridge English exams are recognised by 15,000 institutions and employers.

Cambridge English exams

  • Are based on realistic tasks and situations so that preparing for their exam gives learners real-life language skills.
  • Accurately and consistently tests all four language skills – reading, writing, listening and speaking.
  • Encourage positive learning experiences and seek to achieve a positive impact on teaching wherever possible.
  • Are as fair as possible to all candidates.

About the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is an international standard for describing language ability.

It is used around the world to describe learners’ language skills.

The CEFR describes language ability on a scale of levels from A1 for beginners up to C2 for those who have mastered a language. This makes it easy for anyone involved in language teaching and testing, such as teachers or learners, to see the level of different qualifications. It also means that employers and educational institutions can easily compare our qualifications to other exams in their country.

The diagram below shows all of Cambridge English exams on the CEFR.

Cambridge English Exams

A range of Cambridge English Exams to meet different needs

Basic User Independent User Proficient User
A1 & Pre-A1 Level A2 Level B1 & B2 Level C1 & C2 Level
Young Learners: Starters Young Learners:
Young Learners: Movers Key
Preliminary for Schools (PETfS) Proficiency
Key for Schools (KETfS) First
First for Schools

The Cambridge English Scale

Cambridge English Exams Malaysia

Introduction to the Cambridge English Scales

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