Schools and Learning Centres 學校和補習中心

Schools and Learning Centres 學校和補習中心2024-04-19T02:52:03+00:00

提升學校英語水平   考獲國際認可劍橋英語認證

Improved Your Level of English Proficiency

& Get Recognized Through Cambridge English Certification


尊迪奧國際教育機構(香港) GPEX Central HK是獲得英國劍橋大學語言測評考試院認證的劍橋授權考試中心。

自2016年起,GPEX Central HK考試服務從馬來西亞總公司拓展到香港,至今已和多間幼稚園、小學、中學及補習社合作。除考試服務外,我們亦提供有關劍橋課程的物資和專業意見

GPEX Central HK可協助  貴校提升學生的英語水平,協助考獲適合他們的劍橋英語認證

GPEX Central HK is a Cambridge authorised Exam Centre by the Cambridge University Press & Assessment.

Since 2016, the examination service from GPEX Central HK has expanded from Malaysia to Hong Kong. We are experienced with kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools and tutorial centres. In addition to examination services, we also provide materials and professional advice on Cambridge courses.

GPEX Central HK is able to assist in improving your students’ English proficiency and obtain the Cambridge English certification.

為何與GPEX HK合作?

  1. 成為劍橋認可的備試中心

如  貴校每學年參加劍橋英語考試的人數達100位或以上,GPEX Central HK會為  貴校向英國劍橋申請成為劍橋備試中心。學校將會獲得英國劍橋頒發的證書及可使用劍橋的標誌。

  1. 到校考試服務

GPEX Central HK可以到學校舉行考試。這免去交通時間和成本,同時減低學生在陌生環境的壓力,以達到最佳成績。

Why collaborate with GPEX Central HK?

  1. Become an accredited Cambridge Test Preparation Center

If your school has 100 or more students taking the Cambridge English exams for each academic year, GPEX Hong Kong will register your school under Cambridge Exam Preparation Center with UK Cambridge University Press & Assessment. The school will receive a certificate issued by Cambridge.

2. On-site examination service

GPEX Hong Kong performs in-campus examinations for our Cambridge English Learning Centres. This saves transportation time and cost, and reduces the pressure for students to perform in new environments.


3. 邁向國際標準

一旦成為GPEX Central HK的備試中心,每次考試後學校將獲得詳盡成績報告,了解學生的強項和弱點,GPEX Central HK並會免費提供應考學生與香港以至全球學生的英語能力對比 (不公開,只供學校參考),有助學校提升學生英語能力逐步達至國際標準

3. Towards international standards

Once a school becomes a registered English Test Preparation Center of GPEX Hong Kong, the school will receive a detailed score report after each test to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of the students. GPEX Hong Kong will also provides free comparisons of English proficiency between the students from Hong Kong and the world (non-disclosed & foor school reference only). This will help schools to improve students’ English proficiency for international standards.

4. 獨一無二的劍橋英語畢業禮


4. A unique Cambridge English graduation ceremony

The Cambridge English Graduation Ceremony allows schools, students and parents to share in the joy of graduating and excelling in the Cambridge English program. Every year, we invite students with outstanding performance to attend the award.

5. 教學支援

GPEX Central HK作為劍橋授權的考試中心,會積極和我們的備試中心分享各項最新的資訊及教學資源。除此之外,我們亦時有邀請經驗老師或劍橋成員分享教學心得。另外,我們亦能為學校老師提供劍橋英語教學能力證書考試 (TKT),當中的Young Learners單元更是特別為幼稚園和小學老師而設,豐富老師的英語教學知識及技巧。

5. Teaching support

As an English exam centre authorized by Cambridge, GPEX Hong Kong is actively sharing the latest information and teaching resources with our collaborating Cambridge Test Preparation Centers. In addition, we invite experienced teachers or Cambridge members to share teaching experiences. We also provide the Cambridge English Teaching Proficiency Test (TKT) for school teachers. The Young Learners unit is specially designed for kindergarten and elementary school teachers to enrich their knowledge and skills.



聯絡人: Ms. Joyce Law

電話或Whatsapp: +852 9540 2392


Want to be a Cambridge-accredited test preparation center?

Feel free to contact us to learn more!

Contact person: Ms. Joyce Law

Phone or Whatsapp: +852 9540 2392


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