Please read the following before you proceed: 請先閱讀以下內容,然後再繼續:
A rescheduling is possible with an administrative fee of 25% of the paid exam fee (per rescheduling). 行政費為已付考試費用的25%(每次變更考試日期)。
I have read and understood the above conditions.
Candidate’s Full Name (in English) 考生的英文全名
Phone Number 電話號碼
Email Address 郵箱地址
Original Exam Date 本來的考試日期
Original Exam Level 考試等級 Cambridge English QualificationsPre A1 StartersA1 MoversA2 FlyersA2 Key (for Schools)B1 Preliminary (for Schools)B2 First (for Schools)C1 AdvancedCambridge English TeachingTKT Module 1TKT Module 2TKT Module 3TKT: Young Learners (YL)TKT: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
Original Exam Venue 本來的考試地點
New Exam Date 新的考試日期
New Exam Venue 新的考試地點
Please upload your payment proof (screenshot/photo of the transaction or bank-in slip) (file size limit: 10 mb). You must remark the candidate's name and exam date. 請上傳您的付款證明(交易的屏幕截圖或銀行存款單的副本) (檔案大小上限:10mb)。你必須要備註考生姓名及考試日期。
For payment methods, please visit this webpage 有關付款方式,請轉到這個網頁。
Payment Method 付款方式 PayMe from HSBCBank-in 銀行轉帳(銀行名稱:中國建設銀行(亞洲)– 帳戶名稱: GPEX Central HK Limited 帳戶號碼:009-662-13934268)轉數快 (電話:5281 2392)
Payment Date 付款日期
Declaration 聲明 *To be declared by parent/guardian if the candidate is under 18 years of age. 若考生為18歲以下,由家長或監護人聲明。*
By click the 'Submit' button, I declare that all information given in this registration form and the attached documents are, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and complete. I understand that the rescheduling is considered successful only when our staff contact you through Email within 3 working days after the rescheduling form has received.