There is a series of Cambridge English exams available for children, young people and adults to assess their English language skills. The exam is standardized worldwide and examines your listening, reading, writing, and speaking abilities.
On this page, you can find our latest schedule, venue and fee for different Cambridge English / Teaching Qualifications exams. For exam registration procedures, please refer to How to Register for Exams.
No. | Code | Address |
1 | GPEX | GPEX Unit 1313, Peninsula Tower, 538 Castle Peak Road, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon. (Near Lai Chi Kok Station) 尊迪奧國際教育機構 九龍長沙灣青山道538號半島大廈1313室 (近荔枝角站) |
2 | MWP | Ming Wai International Kindergarten & Ming Wai International Preschool (Prince Edward Branch) Shop 3-9, G/F & 1/F, 15 Playing Field Road, Kowloon 明慧國際幼稚園·明慧國際幼兒園 (太子分校) 九龍運動場道15號京華大廈地下3-9號及一樓 (近太子站) |
3 | MWN | Ming Wai International Kindergarten & Ming Wai International Preschool (North Point Branch) Shop 1, G/F & 1/F, 5-13 Tsat Tsz Mui Road, North Point, Hong Kong 明慧國際幼稚園·明慧國際幼兒園 (北角分校) 香港北角七姊妹道5-13號地下一號鋪及一樓 (近北角站) |
4 | SGS | Sunny Garden Smart Kids Centre (North Point) 3/F, Entire floor, North Point Asia-Pac Centre, 10 North Point Road, Hong Kong (Near North Point Station) 太陽村 (北角) 北角北角道10號亞太廣場三樓全層(近北角站) |
5 | LHE | Little Hero Education Centre 1/F, Kum On Hin, No. 128 Nga Tsin Wai Road, Kowloon City, Kowloon (Near Sung Wong Toi Station) 小英雄教育中心 九龍九龍城衙前圍道128號錦安軒1樓 (近宋皇臺站) |
6 | MKE | Mu Kuang English School 55 Kung Lok Road, Kwun Tong (Near Kwun Tong / Ngau Tau Kok Station) 慕光英文書院 觀塘功樂道55號 (近觀塘/牛頭角站) |
7 | KCN | Kid’s Corner Playgroup International Shop B, Sun Shun Fuk Ctr, 12-18 Wang Yip St South, Yuen Long (Near Long Ping Station Exit F) 元朗宏業南街12-18號新順福中心地下B舖 (近西鐵朗屏站F出口) |
8 | YPE | Yau Pok Education Centre G/F, No. 54 Ma Liu Shui San Tsuen, Fanling, New Territories, Hong Kong (Near Queens Hill, Opposite to The Salvation Army Centaline Charity Fund Queen’s Hill School) 優博教育中心 粉嶺皇后山馬料水新村54號地下 (近皇后山,面對救世軍中原慈善基金皇后山學校) |
9 | MLP | The Monster Lab (LOHAS Park) Shop Unit 401, Level 4, The LOHAS, No. 1 Lohas Park Rd, Tseung Kwan O, N.T. (Near LOHAS Park Station) The Monster Lab (康城分校) 新界將軍澳康城路1號The LOHAS 康城4樓401舖 (近康城站) |
10 | MTP | The Monster Lab (New Town Plaza) UB07-08, Play Park, Phase 1, New Town Plaza, Shatin, N.T. (Near Shatin Station) The Monster Lab (新城市廣場分校) 新界沙田新城市廣場1期 Play Park UB07-08舖 (近沙田站) |
11 | MTK | Mr. English (Tai Koo Shing) Shop P506-507, Po On Mansion, 1 Tai Yue Road, Tai Koo Sing, HK (Near Tai Koo Station) Mr. English (太古城分校) 香港太古城太裕路1號寶安閣平台P506-507舖 (近太古站) |
12 | MKB | Mr. English (Amoy Place) Shop S102-104, 2/F., Phase 1, Amoy Plaza, No. 77 Ngau Tau Kok Road, Kowloon, H.K. (Near Kowloon Bay Station) Mr. English (淘大花園商場分校) 九龍牛頭角路77號淘大花園商場一期2樓S102-104舖 (近九龍灣站) |
13 | TWP | Monkey Tree English Learning Centre (Whampoa Garden) Shop B61, Basement 1, Site 11, Whampoa Garden, 6 Tak Hong Street, Hung Hom (Near Whampoa Station) Monkey Tree 英語學習中心 (黃埔花園分校) 紅磡德康街6號黃埔花園第11期聚寶坊地庫B61號舖 (近黃埔站) |
14 | TTO | Monkey Tree English Learning Centre (Tseung Kwan O) Shop 2005, Level 2, Tseung Kwan O Plaza, No. 1 Tong Tak St, Tseung Kwan O (Near Tseung Kwan O Station) Monkey Tree 英語學習中心 (將軍澳廣場分校) 將軍澳唐德街1號將軍澳廣場2樓2005號舖 (近將軍澳站) |
15 | TCL | Monkey Tree English Learning Centre (Citylink) Shop 623, 6/F, Citylink Plaza, 1 Shatin Station Circuit, Shatin (Near Sha Tin Station) Monkey Tree 英語學習中心 (沙田連城廣場分校) 沙田車站圍1號連城廣場6樓623號鋪 (近沙田站) |
16 | CSW | HHCKLA BUDDHIST CHAN SHI WAN PRIMARY SCHOOL Choi Yuen Estate, Sheung Shui, N.T. (Near Sheung Shui Station) 香海正覺蓮社佛教陳式宏學校 新界上水彩園邨 (近上水站) |
17 | PYP | Xianggang Putonghua Yanxishe Primary School of Science and Creativity Tin Fu Court, 25 Tin Sau Road, Tin Shui Wai, N.T. (Near Tin Shui Wai Station) 香港普通話研習社科技創意小學 天水圍天秀路25號天富苑 (近天水圍站) |
18 | CPY | Chiu Yang Por Yen Primary School 55 Tin Wah Rd, Tin Shui Wai, N.T. (Near Tin Shui Wai Station) 潮陽百欣小學 元朗天水圍天華路55號 (近天水圍站) |
Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE)
劍橋 YLE 英語考試
- Involve fun English-based activities and confidence-building lessons 劍橋英語課程包含有趣的英語活動和建立您的信心
- Designed for children aged between 4 to 12 專為4 至 12 歲兒童設計
- Covering listening, reading, writing, and speaking language skills 涵蓋聽力、閱讀、寫作和口語技能
- Contain 3 level: Starters > Movers > Flyers 3種級別:Starters > Movers > Flyers
Students are encouraged to finish all 3 levels 為了讓學生們能循序漸進地提升英語水平,我們鼓勵學生完全3個劍橋英語考試等級
Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers and A2 Flyers: HK$1060 for exams
Exam Date and Venue
月份 |
時段 |
Exam Date
考試日期 |
Registration Closing Date 報名截止日期 | Level
等級 |
Mode 模式 PB=筆試 | Venue Code 考場代碼 |
May 2025 | A.M./P.M. | 04/05/2025 (Sun) | 26/03/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
A.M./P.M. | 10/05/2025 (Sat) | 26/03/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
A.M./P.M. | 11/05/2025 (Sun) | 26/03/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | TWP (Whampoa Garden) |
A.M./P.M. | 11/05/2025 (Sun) | 26/03/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
P.M. | 18/05/2025 (Sun) | 02/04/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | LHE (Kowloon City) |
A.M./P.M. | 18/05/2025 (Sun) | 02/04/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | MTK (Tai Koo Shing) |
A.M. | 24/05/2025 (Sat) | 09/04/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | CSW (Sheung Shui) |
P.M. | 25/05/2025 (Sun) | 09/04/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | SGS (North Point) |
A.M. | 25/05/2025 (Sun) | 09/04/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | MLP (LOHAS Park) |
A.M. | 25/05/2025 (Sun) | 09/04/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | CPY (Tin Shui Wai) |
June 2025 | A.M./P.M. | 01/06/2025 (Sun) | 16/04/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
A.M./P.M. | 07/06/2025 (Sat) | 23/04/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
A.M. | 07/06/2025 (Sat) | 23/04/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | PYP (Tin Shui Wai) |
A.M./P.M. | 08/06/2025 (Sun) | 23/04/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | TTO (Tseung Kwan O) |
A.M./P.M. | 14/06/2025 (Sat) | 30/04/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
A.M./P.M. | 14/06/2025 (Sat) | 30/04/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | MWP (Prince Edward) |
A.M. | 15/06/2025 (Sun) | 30/04/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | CSW (Sheung Shui) |
A.M./P.M. | 15/06/2025 (Sun) | 30/04/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
A.M. | 21/06/2025 (Sat) | 07/05/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | CSW (Sheung Shui) |
P.M. | 22/06/2025 (Sun) | 07/05/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | SGS (North Point) |
A.M. | 22/06/2025 (Sun) | 07/05/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | MTP (Sha Tin) |
A.M./P.M. | 22/06/2025 (Sun) | 07/05/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
A.M./P.M. | 28/06/2025 (Sat) | 14/05/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
P.M. | 29/06/2025 (Sun) | 14/05/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | LHE (Kowloon City) |
A.M. | 29/06/2025 (Sun) | 14/05/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | MLP (LOHAS Park) |
A.M./P.M. | 29/06/2025 (Sun) | 14/05/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
July 2025 | A.M./P.M. | 05/07/2025 (Sat) | 21/05/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
A.M./P.M. | 12/07/2025 (Sat) | 28/05/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
A.M./P.M. | 13/07/2025 (Sun) | 28/05/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | TCL (Sha Tin) |
A.M./P.M. | 13/07/2025 (Sun) | 28/05/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | MKB (Kowloon Bay) |
A.M./P.M. | 13/07/2025 (Sun) | 28/05/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
A.M./P.M. | 19/07/2025 (Sat) | 04/06/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
P.M. | 20/07/2025 (Sun) | 04/06/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | SGS (North Point) |
A.M./P.M. | 20/07/2025 (Sun) | 04/06/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
P.M. | 27/07/2025 (Sun) | 11/06/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | LHE (Kowloon City) |
A.M. | 27/07/2025 (Sun) | 11/06/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | MLP (LOHAS Park) |
A.M./P.M. | 27/07/2025 (Sun) | 11/06/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
August 2025 | A.M./P.M. | 03/08/2025 (Sun) | 18/06/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | MTK (Tai Koo Shing) |
A.M./P.M. | 03/08/2025 (Sun) | 18/06/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
A.M./P.M. | 09/08/2025 (Sat) | 25/06/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
A.M./P.M. | 10/08/2025 (Sun) | 25/06/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | TWP (Whampoa Garden) |
A.M./P.M. | 10/08/2025 (Sun) | 25/06/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | MKB (Kowloon Bay) |
A.M./P.M. | 10/08/2025 (Sun) | 25/06/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
A.M./P.M. | 16/08/2025 (Sat) | 02/07/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
A.M. | 17/08/2025 (Sun) | 02/07/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | MLP (LOHAS Park) |
A.M./P.M. | 17/08/2025 (Sun) | 02/07/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
A.M./P.M. | 23/08/2025 (Sat) | 09/07/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
P.M. | 24/08/2025 (Sun) | 09/07/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | SGS (North Point) |
P.M. | 24/08/2025 (Sun) | 09/07/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | LHE (Kowloon City) |
A.M. | 24/08/2025 (Sun) | 09/07/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | MTP (Sha Tin) |
A.M./P.M. | 24/08/2025 (Sun) | 09/07/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
A.M./P.M. | 30/08/2025 (Sat) | 16/07/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
A.M. | 31/08/2025 (Sun) | 16/07/2025 (Wed) | Starters Movers Flyers |
PB | MLP (LOHAS Park) |
*GPEX HK reserves the right to change the exam venue due to unforeseen reasons without giving any explanations. Candidates will be notified if there are any changes.
* GPEX HK保留更改考試地點的權利而不給予任何解釋。 如果有任何變更,將通知考生。
* The morning session (AM) will start before 14.00.
The afternoon session (PM) will start after 14.00.
* 上午的考試 (AM) 將會在14:00前開始。
下午的考試 (PM) 將會在14:00後開始。
When the exam session includes AM/PM, it means the exam will be conducted either in the morning or afternoon. The final exam time will be confirmed 7-10 days before the exam. Candidates are not permitted to select or change the exam time for any reasons.
Exam fee
A2 Key for Schools, B1 Preliminary for Schools: HK$1770 for exams
Exam Date and Venue
月份 |
時段 |
Exam Date
考試日期 |
Registration Closing Date 報名截止日期 | Level
等級 |
Mode 模式 PB=筆試 | Venue Code
考場代碼 |
June 2025 | A.M/P.M. | 08/06/2025 (Sun) | 23/04/2025 (Wed) | KETfS PETfS |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
A.M/P.M. | 21/06/2025 (Sat) | 07/05/2025 (Wed) | KETfS PETfS |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
July 2025 | A.M/P.M. | 06/07/2025 (Sun) | 21/05/2025 (Wed) | KETfS PETfS |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
A.M/P.M. | 26/07/2025 (Sat) | 11/06/2025 (Wed) | KETfS PETfS |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
August 2025 | A.M/P.M. | 02/08/2025 (Sat) | 18/06/2025 (Wed) | KETfS PETfS |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
A.M/P.M. | 31/08/2025 (Sun) | 16/07/2025 (Wed) | KETfS PETfS |
PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
*GPEX HK reserves the right to change the exam venue due to unforeseen reasons without giving any explanations. Candidates will be notified if there are any changes.
* GPEX HK保留更改考試地點的權利而不給予任何解釋。 如果有任何變更,將通知考生。
When the exam session includes AM/PM, it means the exam will be conducted either in the morning or afternoon. The final exam time will be confirmed 7-10 days before the exam. Candidates are not permitted to select or change the exam time for any reasons.
Exam fee
B2 First for Schools: HK$2700 for exams
Exam Date and Venue
月份 |
時段 |
Exam Date
考試日期 |
Registration Closing Date 報名截止日期 | Level
等級 |
Mode 模式 PB=筆試 | Venue Code
考場代碼 |
July 2025 | A.M/P.M. | 26/07/2025 (Sat) | 11/06/2025 (Wed) | FCEfS | PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
*GPEX HK reserves the right to change the exam venue due to unforeseen reasons without giving any explanations. Candidates will be notified if there are any changes.
* GPEX HK保留更改考試地點的權利而不給予任何解釋。 如果有任何變更,將通知考生。
When the exam session includes AM/PM, it means the exam will be conducted either in the morning or afternoon. The final exam time will be confirmed 7-10 days before the exam. Candidates are not permitted to select or change the exam time for any reasons.
Exam fee
C1 Advanced: HK$2700 for exams
Exam Date and Venue
月份 |
時段 |
Exam Date
考試日期 |
Registration Closing Date 報名截止日期 | Level
等級 |
Mode 模式 PB=筆試 | Venue Code
考場代碼 |
June 2025 | A.M/P.M. | 21/06/2025 (Sun) | 07/05/2025 (Wed) | CAE | PB | GPEX (Lai Chi Kok) |
*GPEX HK reserves the right to change the exam venue due to unforeseen reasons without giving any explanations. Candidates will be notified if there are any changes.
* GPEX HK保留更改考試地點的權利而不給予任何解釋。 如果有任何變更,將通知考生。
When the exam session includes AM/PM, it means the exam will be conducted either in the morning or afternoon. The final exam time will be confirmed 7-10 days before the exam. Candidates are not permitted to select or change the exam time for any reasons.
Exam fee
C2 Proficiency: HK$2950 for exams
Exam Date and Venue
月份 |
時段 |
Exam Date
考試日期 |
Registration Closing Date 報名截止日期 | Level
等級 |
Mode 模式 PB=筆試 | Venue Code
考場代碼 |
*GPEX HK reserves the right to change the exam venue due to unforeseen reasons without giving any explanations. Candidates will be notified if there are any changes.
* GPEX HK保留更改考試地點的權利而不給予任何解釋。 如果有任何變更,將通知考生。
When the exam session includes AM/PM, it means the exam will be conducted either in the morning or afternoon. The final exam time will be confirmed 7-10 days before the exam. Candidates are not permitted to select or change the exam time for any reasons.
Exam fee
1-3 Module(s): HK$1,600 per module for exams
4 Modules: HK$1500 per module for exams
5 Modules: HK$1400 per module for exams
Exam Date and Venue
Month | Session | Exam Date | Registration Closing Date | Level | Mode | Venue Code |
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You may refer to the Cambridge exam fees based on the section above accordingly. Please contact us if you wish to get more information about Cambridge exam fees and dates.
通過 GPEX 參加劍橋英語考試是您掌握英語語言的絕佳渠道
Remarks 備註
1. GPEX HK reserves the right to change the exam venue or time due to unforeseen reasons without giving any explanations. Candidates will be notified if there are any changes.
GPEX HK保留更改英語考試地點或時間的權利而不給予任何解釋。如果有任何變更,將通知考生。
2. You may cancel the registration but the exam fee is not refundable under any circumstances.
3. The A.M./P.M. in ‘Session’ means the exam time may be in the morning or afternoon. The exact time is to be released 7-10 days before the exam.
在’Session’中的A.M./P.M指的是考試時間可能在上午或下午。 確切時間應在考試前7-10天發布。
4. If the session is marked ‘Full’, that means new registrations will not be accepted.
5. For the exam modes, ‘PB’ refers to paper-based exam while ‘D’ refers to Digital exam.
6. There is a minimum number of candidates for each exam. The exam will not take place unless the requirement is reached. Candidates will be notified if there are any changes.
7. For bad weather arrangements, please refer to Bad Weather Arrangement for Cambridge English Examinations.
有關惡劣天氣的安排,請參閱 劍橋英語考試的惡劣天氣安排
8. For late registration, please contact us before completing the registration.
9. Rescheduling is only acceptable with a fee of 25% of the paid exam fee either when a doctor’s certificate is presented or for compassionate reasons on the exam day. The rescheduling fee shall be paid within three working days after the exam.
10. If you have any enquiries, please contact us at +852 52812392 or
如果您有任何疑問,請致電+852 52812392或發送電子郵件至infohk@gpexcentral.org與我們聯繫。