Certificate in EMI Skills

Certificate in EMI Skills2021-09-20T13:50:05+00:00

The Certificate in EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) Skills is a course for teaching staff (lecturers/tutors) working in Higher Education Institutions (universities, colleges) who are teaching their subjects in English.

It is a short course offering a blend of online study with face-to-face training. It develops the teachers’ ability to make the best use of their English in their teaching context. The focus is on developing the practical skills of teaching staff delivering subject teaching in English.

Course details

Course hours 40 hours self-study and 24 hours tutor-led sessions
Duration 4 months
Delivery mode : Fully online (both self-study and tutor-led session)
Course dates : 19th February 2021 (Session 1)
Time (tutoring):  *Saturday 9am – 12pm
Course fee : RM 1,199 (course fee)
RM   100 (registration fee)
Modules : 8 modules (2 per month)
Certification: Cambridge Certificate in EMI Skills

Introducing our Certificate in EMI Skills trainer :

Jillian's pic

Testimonials and certificate :

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) :

1)  What is the Certificate in EMI Skills?

  • In short, the Certificate in EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) Skills is a course for teaching staff working in Higher Education Institutions who are teaching their subjects in English. It aims to build confidence in tutors/lecturers to teach in English and use the language effectively.

2) How is the structure of the course like?

  • Self-study (10 hours per month; 5 hours per module)
  • Tutor-led session (6 hours per month; 3 hours per module)
  • Tutor-led session once every 2 weeks
  • Total course duration 4 months

3) What will I learn in the course?

Participants will learn the 8 modules of study:-

Module 1 – Language for lectures
Module 2 – Language for seminars
Module 3 – Language for small groups and practical sessions
Module 4 – Language for tutorials and supervision
Module 5 – Language for online communication
Module 6 – Language for evaluation and feedback
Module 7 – Language for developing and extending professional roles
Module 8 – Language for fulfilling professional responsibilities

4) Who is suitable to enrol into this course?

  • In-service teachers in HEIs
  • All teaching staff in Higher Education Institutions who teach their subjects through English,
    e.g. non-English first language lecturers who are teaching any subject in English.
  • Ministries of (Higher) Education, universities and colleges

5) How are the sessions delivered?

  • We are delivering all the tutor-led sessions fully online. You may refer to question 2 for the frequency of the classes.

6) How big will the classes be?

  • Each cohort has approximately 10 – 20 candidates.

7) Are there any assessments for the course?

The Certificate in EMI Skills is not an assessed qualification. Teachers measure what they have learned by completing online progress tests throughout the course. Course administrators can track progress.

Course participants can download course completion certificates when they complete the course.

1) What are the steps involved to register for the course.

  1. Register using our registration form, which you may find at the bottom of the page.
  2. Our team will be in contact to brief you about the course.
  3. Complete the payment, which will be invoiced to you together with payment instructions.
  4. Upon completion of payment, you will receive the login for our Moodle portal, together with the academic calendar for the course.
  5. Login on the stipulated time and date and begin the course.

 2) What are the entry requirements for Mentor2U programme?

Language level requirements

Teachers need a B1 level on the CEFR. If they are below B1, they could complete Language for Teaching courses first to bring them up to the B1 level.

Technical requirements

Teachers are able to complete an online course and have access to the internet using a computer/laptop (teachers can use tablets, but mobiles are not suitable).

3) How much is the course?

  • Course fee           – RM1,199
  • Registration fee – RM   100

4) Do you accept credit cards?

Our payment portal supports both credit cards and FPX (internet banking).

5) Is there an instalment scheme?

We understand that this is a trying time for all of us. Our customer representative will work with candidates that require the instalment scheme on case to case basis.


Contact our customer service representative, Jason Tan, at jasontan@gpexcentral.org or +6012-290 4062 if you have further inquiries.

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